Смотреть что такое "hezit" в других словарях:
hesitancy — hes|i|tan|cy [ˈhezıtənsi] n also hes|i|tance [ təns][U] when someone is uncertain or slow in doing or saying something … Dictionary of contemporary English
hesitant — hes|i|tant [ˈhezıtənt] adj uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or unwilling ▪ Gail gave me a hesitant little smile. hesitant about (doing) sth ▪ They seemed hesitant about coming in. hesitant to do sth ▪ She is hesitant to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
hesitant — hes|i|tant [ hezıtənt ] adjective doing something slowly or pausing before you do it, because you are nervous, embarrassed, or worried: a hesitant smile Many witnesses are still hesitant to come forward. ╾ hes|i|tan|cy noun count or uncount ╾… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English